TWPD I am a guy. My buddy and I decided to write a book (that we never did) called "The Whole Package Deal". It was about the perfect woman. We discussed pickup lines, where to go, how to approach, how to attract, and how to detour the woman. We talked about how some men settle, and some men get "the girl". It started with four of us guys sitting down to have lunch together. This one third guy at the lunch table was single and had such a crush on this waitress girl, he finally mustered up enough guts to compliment her. He said "You have the most beautiful green eyes." Then, he took away the power statement with "Aw, I bet you get that all of the time." She began to blush with flattery. His powerful statement was even more deflated when I stated to her, "No man, it's not just her eyes, she's the whole package deal!" Her jaw dropped and she broke her fought smile into a full blown smile showing teeth and turned beet red. My other friend that gave the compliment to her had some choice words for me and an evil eye to match. When my buddy and I left, we discussed what a great statement it was that I made and that we would make a dream team and we could be each other's wingman to get the perfect woman. The idea was given that the first guy becomes the "compliment the woman" wingman and the guy who desires the girl gives the stronger, more powerful pickup line. In our minds, it all works out. In reality, it only makes her smile really big. That lead to the discussion. Do you think "The Whole Package Deal" is out there somewhere? I said, "Yes!" There has to be someone that has a formula to match your formula. Here is the formula. Foundation + Likes + Gravy + Compromise. I searched for what I required in a relationship. These traits have to be foundational. These are things you have to have in a relationship that must be in place. If you are missing even one of them, you are not going to be in the relationship you really want. The second level are what you would like, but don't have to be in place and are not deal-breakers. If one of these don't happen, you would not leave your partner over it. The third level of the list is gravy. Gravy is just bringing the relationship to a higher level of togetherness and pleasantry. The last part of the list is you have to be "The Whole Package Deal" yourself to the other person. Without the formula being TWPD=TWPD, the formula is flawed and failure is imminent. I watched relationship after relationship fail. Just when I thought I found a relationship that worked, I asked how do you make it work? The end result was time erroded the relationship to failure, some quicker than others. I lived a life and came to a self discovery of this formula and decided to apply it to life. I met a woman that was super good looking and very independent. I thought, I will go out with her for a little while, she will discover how messed up I am and she will move on. Little did I know. After a few dates, I began to see the foundation fill. After many months, the foundation was nearly complete. Many of the Likes and Gravy was also discovered along the way. When the found that the last piece of the foundation was in place, I opened up. I decided to share my formula with my new love and partner. In my fear that I was not "The Whole Package Deal to her", I shared my foundational list to her. She pulled out a notebook, and she too had a foundational list. I was so touched by seeing that I was the true match on her list, I felt so warm about my love being reciprocated, I achieved security in that moment and insecurity disappeared. In my world, my formula and her formula had luck in the equation. We had both lived separate lives and had to learn about ourselves and design our formula. We took such a risk, a possible lifetime of being single, and found a crossroad that merged into one. I sigh with love on the slightest touch on the shoulder, or the way she reaches to hold my hand. She sighs too, when I reach for her. That all the more reinforces the love I feel for her and the love she feels for me. Our lives, goals, aspirations, and search all led to the ultimate love story.